Show your appreciation and support the team that makes the Lacuna Festival events happen by donating to our GoFundMe campaign.

Your donation will help with the costs of hosting the Lacuna Festivals. These costs vary each year but are always in excess of €1200. Find out more about where your donations go by clicking here.

It's really easy to donate and no amount is too small - just click on the button to the right to make your donation.

Festival Special: All donations over €5 will receive a digital copy of the Lacuna Festivals Metamorphosis 2023 catalogue as a thank you.

Thank you so much for your support - it really does make a difference.

Jaszczurka / Lizard - Wera Grzes / alloewero - Poland

Riso print on paper, Japanese paper, booklet - 20 cm x 20 cm x 2 cm

The art book "Jaszczurka / Lizard" was created based on texts and paintings, which were jointly transformed into booklet form and adapted using the Riso printing technique. The work presents a visual story about the process of metamorphosis. It is the loss of old skin and the discovery of a new one. However, this process is painful and frightening, - we leave behind what we lived in and what we felt good in. But also the old skin is too small, too tight, and it's time to let it go. Metamorphosis is attended by feelings, but they are difficult to capture, quickly escaping or masking themselves.

For me, it reveals the issue of body transformation. It is a story about losing the old skin and gazing at the new one - physical, emotional, and metaphorical.


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