Support Artist-led events

Are you enjoying the Distance 2021 events?  Show your appreciation and support the team that makes it happen by donating to our GoFundMe campaign. It's really easy and no amount is too small - just click on the button to the right to make your donation. Thank you so much!

Festival special! When you donate €5 or more, we will send you a PDF copy of the festival catalogue. 

EVENTS Information

As part of the 2021 festival we have a selection of events including artist interviews, panel discussions, live music and workshops. All of the Lacuna Festivals events are prepared, organised and delivered for free with Creatives from around the world volunteering to share their artstic practice. 

Most of the Distance 2021 events are happening virtually using a variety of online platforms. In person, physical events will be subject to the current Covid-19 restrictions which may include wearing masks, social distacing, temperature checking and limiting entrance numbers. 

The events are listed below in chronological order from the start of the festival on 1st July.

Digital inauguration

Hosted by the Lacuna Festivals team from Lacuna Festivals HQ in Lanzarote. Come along, maybe bring a drink or snack, get comfy and settle in for an introduction to this year's Lacuna Festivals, Distance 2021.

Meet other participating artists from around the world, find out more about the festival origins and the people working behind the scenes as well as how to access all of the exciting and FREE events taking place as part of Lacuna Festivals Distance 2021.

We can't wait to meet you all!

Date & Time: 1st July at 7pm (GMT+1) 

Language: English

Platform: Now available on Lacuna Festivals YouTube channel

Physical Inauguration (with live streaming)

Join the Lacuna Festivals team at Yaiza Casa de la Cultura in Lanzarote for our first physical exhibition in two years! Come along, knowing that the Ayuntamiento de Yaiza have taken many steps to esnure a covid secure environment ibcluding temperature check and hand gel on arrival, capacity restrictions in the gallery rooms and a track and trace list in place.

Our physical exhibtion space was only confirmed four weeks before the launch which limited our capacity somewhat as most post to the islands take longer than that! However, we have prepared an exciting, intriguing and at times challenging exhbition that looks at the notion of Distance from a number of perspectives. The exhibition combines postcards sent in from participating 2021 festival artists from around the world, video art pieces submitted for the 2021 festivals, virtual reality artworks that you can access through your mobile device and a selection of physical artworks from local participants here on the Canary Islands. 

Date & Time: 2nd July at 7pm (GMT+1) 

Language: English

Platform: Now available on Lacuna Festivals YouTube channel

Sansar Virtual Gallery by Brittany Kurtinecz

A more experiential gallery with a selection of this years multi-media pieces. This event was suggested, created and organised by the talented Brittany Kurtinecz. 

Dates & Time: 1st July 7pm (GMT+1), 2nd July 12-8pm (GMT+1), 11th July 12-8pm (GMT+1), 20th July 4pm-Midnight (GMT+1), 28th July 4pm-midnight (GMT+1)

Language: N/A

Bookings: N/A 

Platform: Sansar -

barter: outside our window by teresa leung

The event is a demonstration that shows how to join in with a photo barter project entitled, "Barter: Outside our Windows."

Artist, Teresa Leung, will walk participants through the three simple steps to join the project. In addition, Teresa will answer any questions about the project.

Date & Time: 3rd July at 3pm (GMT+1)

Language: English

Platform: Now available on Lacuna Festivals YouTube channel

World's of Art by Channing Gray & Rekha Sameer

This event is held under the aegis of Lacuna Festivals: Distance 2021.The theme for this year is Distance. Channing lives in the USA and Rekha in UK. They will be engaging in a conversation about themselves and their art practices.

Date & Time: 3rd July at 5pm (GMT+1)

Language: English

Platform: Now available on Lacuna Festivals YouTube channel

#invisualconversation by Kim-ling morris

#InVisualConversation is a photographic project connecting people in different locations around the world to visually compare what is going on in their parallel lives. In this event, Kim-Ling MORRIS (located in Cork, Ireland) will be talking with Irish photographer, Colm PIERCE, (located in Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam) about the photographs they took in the course of their "parley" at the start of the lockdown in 2020. Now more than a year on, Morris and Pierce will have a second parley which we will also show first during this event. #InVisualConversationWithColmPierce #CollaborativeProject #AcrossBorders

Date & Time: 8th July at 11am (GMT+1) 

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

link parade by benna gaen maris

Be proud, flaunt your bookmarks! Let everyone know what you consider important.

This is an open call event to share the websites that you know and love. Find out more information by following the platform link below.

Date & Time: 9th July at 00.00(GMT+1) This is a 24 hour event!

Language: English

Bookings: N/A - please email your bookmarks in advance to


TAlk - google earth, what3words & microscope Lenses by AHA! collective

The AHA! Collective of Anna Goodchild (UK), Annie Rapstoff (UK), and Heidi Bergstrom (CA) will discuss the technologies involved in the creation of their collaborative video Littoral Zones: The Frontiers Between (2021). You will learn about Google Earth Studios, the location app What3Words, and how microscope lenses can be used on your mobile device to capture beautiful micro images. There will be time for questions and discussion.

Date & Time: 10th July at 7pm (GMT+1)

Language: English 

Bookings: N/A 

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

Terra Do Guaxo by Andrew O'Connor

A soundscape composition created during the 2019 Somsocosmos residency in rural Brazil, and takes place on a 600-hectare colonial era coffee plantation, that is home to the very rare and beautiful Guaxo bird whose surreal call can be heard throughout the area.   Terra do Guaxo is made entirely of sounds and music recorded at the residency, it is a conversation between the natural world and the artists who come there to be inspired. By using soundscapes and music recorded from a distance, heard through layers of natural ambience it explores the dialogue between the artists and the natural world.

Date & Time: Sunday 11th July 00.01am - 23.59pm 

Language: N/A

Bookings: N/A but piece is only available for 24 hours

Platform: Lacuna Festivals YouTube channel

look into my eyes with no distance and you will see no fear by Lady gaby

Spoken word art performance.

Site specific, dealing with distance, intimacy and isolation moments that transform into hope of new beginnings

Date & Time: 13th July at 8pm (GMT+1)

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Facebook Live

Snip & paste by lady gaby

Bring your favourite images, clippings and photos in order to create magical collages in this artist-led workshop by Distance 2021 participant Lady Gaby.

Date & Time: 15th July at 12noon - 2pm (GMT+1) 

Language: English 

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

'How Was it for You' round table discussion with AHA! Collective, rachel macManus, alan rutherford & ian wieczorek

Alan Rutherford, Ian Wieczorek, Rachel MacManus and AHA! Collective will discuss their work that is part of the Lacuna Festival's 2021 'Distance' exhibition and how it relates to the theme. There will be a round table discussion to look at the challenges of an art practice over the past year during the pandemic, but also looking forward to the road ahead as we emerge. The event will conclude with a Q&A opportunity for audience members to relate their own experiences and join in the discussion.

Date & Time: 15th July at 7 pm (GMT+1) 

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

live music by Sly g.

Live stream introducing original songs by Sly Giordano.

We hoped that Sly was going to be able to perform live at our physical inauguration. However, COVID-19 regulations on the island currently prevent this. Fingers crossed for next year! In the meantime, enjoy this live stream of his songs.

Date & Time: 16th July at 7pm GMT+1

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Facebook Live

[kosmos] by langgam performance troupe

[KOSMOS] is an online collaborative performance piece that explores and examines the meaning, purpose, and utilization of makeup—especially in relation to its gradual loss of use due to the global interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through a Zoom performance, the project asks the questions: “What now becomes of cosmetics? But more importantly, what now becomes of the face in this time of facelessness?” Focusing on the word “cosmetics” which derives from the Greek word, kosmos, meaning “order”, this performance piece is envisioned as an attempt in putting things in order, in harmony, in the balance, in perspective, in universe, and in beauty—especially at a time when we are grappling with the world’s existing disorder.

Date & Time: 17th July at 12noon - 1pm (GMT+1) 

Language: English 

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

#Metoo Performance by Catherine Chilara

The premiere of a choreographed performanced combined with participants reflections on: 

  • what a woman is (beautiful, afraid etc)
  • why women should be themselves ( "You have the power to change the world" etc)
  • a caption you will/want to remember or want to remind all people ("Your worth has nothing to do with your weight", "Be your own hero" etc)

This emotive and empowering piece has been created throughout the Distnace 2021 festivals using video clips from participating creatives around the world.

Date & Time: 19th July at 8pm (GMT+1) 

Language: English 

Bookings: N/A

Platform: YouTube Premiere

dopamine stimulation BY nameless: Lidia Bäck and Anna-Sofia Nylund

Dopamine Stimulation – a cross-artistic dopamine raising performance by the work group Nameless, Lidia Bäck (performing artist) and Anna-Sofia Nylund (visual artist).

The aim for our cross-artistic performance is to raise and stabilize dopamine levels specifically for non-men and others with low dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is directly linked to desire and pleasure.It is necessary for a person in order to be goal oriented, for decision making and full creativity. According to Naomi Wolf's book "Vagina- A new biography" and her research on dopamine, a woman can only have access to her full potential if she is allowed to be free in her body and sexuality, as it leads to normal dopamine levels. The sexual oppression in a patriarchal world order which, on the other hand, links female sexuality with shame leads to low dopamine levels and in the long run to negative psychological effects. Fatigue, lack of motivation and distorted view of one's own ability. In this way, the gender power order is maintained. The patriarchal structure. Emancipation is impossible. Patriarchy is ingenious. But could this very simple equation be the key to overthrowing patriarchy? Maybe stabilized dopamine levels are the key to emancipation? Perhaps the revolution does not lie in the active struggle but in stopping, going inward and completely ignoring the destructive structures of patriarchy. To stop burning oneself out to fight for the revolution and be appalled by all injustice. And maybe simply build puzzles instead.

Date & Time: 21st July at 2pm GMT+1

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

The distance between us by Alita Bustamante, Ria Breedveld & Sarah misselbrook

A five day collaboration took place between the three artists; Ria Breedveld, Alexandra Bustamante and Sarah Misselbrook.

The cross-continental conversation took place via WhatsApp with the sharing of audio, visual and written works created under this year’s festival theme ‘Distance’.

This event presents the findings from this project and will offer an opportunity to hear from and speak to the artists

Date & Time: 22nd July at 7pm (GMT+1)

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

subverting everyday tech by 7000 trees

7000 Trees have unfortunately had to cancel this event. We hope to invite 7000 trees back next year when the stars will hopefully align.

Join 7000 Trees as they seek to subvert the affordances of everyday technologies. Discover new ways to ruin Zoom meetings, confuse your peers, and otherwise rummage through the absurdity and artefacts that live within the precarious technologies upon which we all rely. 

letters to the universe by centrifuge arts

Join Centrifuge Arts for a screening of "Letters to the Universe" followed by a brief talk with the creators. / @centrifugearts 

Date & Time: 24th July at 7pm 

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

wall of connection by stefanie hannak / spora

In a Viennese inner courtyard, an unadorned wall, which as such embodies distance, was decorated with a mosaic of ceramic memorabilia and heirlooms. Through the choice of fabric and the arrangement of the arrangement of the pieces, the wall enters into a connection with its surroundings. What creates distance becomes the link. Many people suddenly had to keep their distance, as the lockdown on March 15, 2020 in Austria demanded. This measure changed something in our consciousness and the way we deal with our environment. The community had to find new ways to get closer again. Many people took part in this work and built a connection with a multitude of small elements where there was distance before. The mosaic thus represents a connection between family members, surrounding shops in the region, neighbors, and friends. It shows that distance creates closeness.

Date & Time: 25th July at 7pm

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals YouTube Premiere

Passcode: Distance

draw your feeling BY marwa khamis & amber biscevic

Color has been used by people to express ideas and emotions for thousands of years. The concept of color psychology has been used to examine the meaning behind ancient and modern artworks, literature, and more, and varies between cultures.

For this event we are asking participants to express themselves using color, shapes , lines and any medium they want. Colors can hold multiple meanings, for example, red can represent both passion and rage, blue can represent serenity or sadness, white can represent purity or death, etc.

Create a portrait, either of yourself or someone who you know well. Use color to tell us something about the person you choose. Are they happy? Sad? Lonely? Passionate? Quiet?

Date & Time: 29th July at 8.10 - 10.10pm (GMT+1)

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

online breath performance by luana lacerda

There is a sound, a rhythm that reminds us of our connection with life and nature: the breath, which finds its origin and reference in the coming and going of the waves of the ocean, the primary source of all existence.

In this time of distance and isolation, we invite the public to share their presences through their breathing.

Equiped with microphones, we will make the sound of the ocean together.

Date& Time: 30th July at 8pm 

Language: English 

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festivals Zoom

Passcode: Distance

Disco 3000 by Andrew O'Connor

DISCO 3000 is a weekly free form radio program hosted and produced by Andrew O’Connor as part of his long running clandestine radio project Parkdale Pirate Radio.  The show is broadcast every Thursday night from Andrew’s home studio to the radios of Parkdale, in Toronto Canada.  For this year’s Lacuna Festivals, Andrew has programmed a special edition of DISCO 3000 with music on the theme of from far and about from a of the cosmos. Don't miss this one time only special broadcast!

Date & Time: 30th July from 9-11pm (GMT+1)

Language: English (music based)

Bookings: N/A

Platform: A O'Connor YouTube

Digital dinner with the lacuna festivals team

Join the Lacuna Festival Team for an online gathering like no other - a digital dinner. Or perhaps it'll be lunch? Or breakfast? If it's none of those it'll definitely be 'hora de la merienda' or snack time in English! 

We have found a small selection of simple Canarian recipes for you to try out at home and bring them to the table on the night (if you fancy!)

Try Papas Arrugadas con Mojos our super popular recipes from last year's digital dinner. They are vegan with only few ingredients and super tasty so we know exactly why they are a hit.

This year we'd alsolike to add Almogrote into the mix - an intensely flavoured cheese spread and Bienmesabe - a traditional dessert that translates as 'tastes good to me'

If cooking doesn't do it for you feel free to grab a drink or simply just pull up a pew and enjoy coming together with creatives from around the world in this relaxed and informal setting.

Date & Time: 31st July at 8pm GMT+1

Language: Mixed (host language is English)

Bookings: N/A 

Platform: Lacuna Festival Zoom

Passcode: Distance

reflecton session with the lacuna festivals team

Suggested by Distance 2021 artist Shiori Yamamoto

A chance to look back at the 2021 Lacuna Festivals and reflect on anything learnt, anything amazing or anything that felt like it was missing.

Help the festivals grow to become an event that is shaped by the artistic community that it aims to serve.  

Date & Time: 1st August at 8pm (GMT+1)

Language: English

Bookings: N/A

Platform: Lacuna Festival Zoom

Passcode: Distance





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