Support Artist led events

Show your appreciation and support to the team that makes the festivals and events happen by donating to our GoFundMe campaign. It's really easy and no amount is too small - just click on the button to the right to make your donation.

Thank you so much for your support, it really does make such a big difference.

2 JULY-1 AUGUST 2021

2021 theme:DIstance

'Distance' is the theme for the 2021 Lacuna Festivals.

Possible interpretations of the theme include (but are not limited to) : measurements of distance, the distance between two points, two people or two objects, barriers created by distance, overcoming barriers created by distance, ways of communicating from a distance, journeys, travel, modes of transport, migration of birds, insects and animals, psychological distance, physical distance, emotional distance, legal and illegal immigration, geodesic distance, meridian arcs, circular distance, Manhattan distance, relative distance, edit distance, chessboard distance, cosmology and the expansion of the universe, construal level theory, distance between experienced realities and/or individual perceptions, milestones and markers, signposts and cairns and so on.

Artists have interpreted the theme in many different ways. 

Distance 2021 exhibtion Galleries

To see all of our exhibition galleries please visit our gallery page here. You will find embedded ArtSteps galleries and links to our Flickr and YouTube galleries. Our exhibition galleries this year have been curated to eleven key narratives that came through from the submissions to the festivals. These narratives are: Realities, Communication, Time, Self, Society, Bridging the Gap, From A to B, Opening Up, From What?, Close/Far and Enforced. Many works could have been in multiple galleries as the pieces have such good dialogue with each other so maybe you can create your own 'galleries' by linking pieces together across the galleries?

We hope that you enjoy the show!

Please leave your feedback for the artists using the chat function on ArtSteps or by commenting/liking works in Flickr and YouTube. 

Distance 2021 Other exhibits

This year we had a number of submissions that don't fit the capacity of the online spaces we use. As such, we have set up a dedicated page here for multi-page artworks. When you visit the page simply click on the full page icon to view each artwork at it's best. You can then 'flick' through the pages by clicking left or right - make sure to have your sound on for the best experience. 

In addition, we also have a number of live events including premieres and one off performances. These can be found on our events page here. They are listed in chronological order from the start to the end of the festival and each one has a short description followed by a link to access it. In general, links will go live around 5 mins before the event is due to start.

Please double check times which are listed in GMT+1, the time zone in Lanzarote. 

2021 Artists Map

Lacuna Festivals artists come from all over the world and this year we have created a map so that you can see where everyone else is in the world in relation to you.

The 2021 festivals have over 325 artists participating and they are representing 83 different countries. 

How much distance would be covered if you tried to physically visit each artist? 

We hope you have some fun exploring this map. You can zoom in and out, make the map full screen, check out the map legend/key, share the map in Facebook or Twitter and you can even embed it into your personal website or blog!

Please don't forget to tag us in if you're sharing this on social media, websites or blogs. You can use @lacunafestivals or

Official Festival Merchandise Available Now

Our first ever range of official festival merchandise has now launched!

A number of artists asked for us to produce festival merchandise as momentos of their participation. We are not ones to disappoint, so now you can show your love for the festivals with an official festival t-shirt or mug.

Visit our Etsy store for a number of different items, including a t-shirt with every single participating artist name from Distance 2021.

Visit Lacuna Festivals Etsy Shop.


© Copyright Lacuna Festivals